Blog and Articles
A new blog, on average, is published about 3-8x a month, tending to offer ideas and perspectives on psychological aspects of current events, an introduction or deepening of how Dr. Denise Renye works with people, and some practices you can do blending psychology, sexology, spirituality, embodiment and art.
Press publications and mentions can be found here.
Notice to readers
These articles are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, coaching or therapy. Seeking the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition is imperative. Do not disregard professional psychological or medical advice. Do not delay in the seeking of professional advice or treatment because of something you have read here.
My Duty to Do No Harm as a Psychologist, Sex Therapist, and Yoga Therapist
It is my ethical duty to do no harm and to support the well-being, safety, and autonomy of all individuals, especially those who are being targeted and oppressed. Practically speaking, it means continuing to offer care to trans folx in my role as a psychologist, online sex therapist, and yoga therapist. I hold space for whatever my students, clients, and patients are feeling and support them however, they need – including having a healthy, satisfying sex life.
Wait…But Can Men Have Babies?
As long as you attempt to continue living the old way, your limiting beliefs are not only boxing others in but they are violent because they actively harm transfolx by denying they exist, making them feel unwelcome, or refusing to provide them with adequate medical care. The world is already hard enough, why not make it easier if you can?
Politics Reflects Society: The Good, Bad, and Ugly
How can you connect with yourself and others if you’re not open to seeing their point of view and instead are adamant that your way of looking at things is the only way? This is why individual therapy and coaching are so important – someone else is able to point out behaviors operating out of your awareness and support you in changing them if you wish and are ready.